Yde's Journey. In the medieval play "Yde et Olive," the princess Yde disguises herself as a boy and becomes soldier, then a king: the perfect subject to showcase a wide array of 14th century fasions via papercraft!

I referenced all the clothes and colors from contemporaneous manuscripts, specifically Spain and France where available (Yde was a princess of Aragon). I especially used a number of illustrations I found combing through the digitized Psalter-Hours (France, 1280-1299) manuscript from the Morgan Library, as well as several books on medieval fashion. The doll's pose itself echoes how figures were posed in manuscripts.

Underwear: (Men's) long linen shirt + braies (think baggy boxer shorts), hose with feet (if you were fancy), pulled over the braies and tied with laces. Simple leather shoes.

Princess dress: undertunic and shorter overtunic.
Boy disguise: belted tunic over hose.

Knight armor: tunic and mail with mail hood.
King regalia: undertunic, overtunic with draping sleeves, coat with elongated armholes, hood, crown.